This week was pretty good. We had a lot of stuff fall through and stuff
like that. It was good to see Tony and Tai at church again. We still
aren't sure why they couldn't come last week but they were at church so it
was good. We also found out that their new apartment is ready now so
they'll be moving in within the next week or two hopefully. Things are
looking good with them. I just hope they keep progressing like they are.
They're so awesome. Tony always contributes to the Elders Quorum
lessons. It's way cool. I'm not sure what he's saying because my Samoan
isn't good enough yet but I always feel the spirit while he's talking
and we can tell he's doing well!
Not a ton of time to say stuff this week. I'll leave it at
this, I love all of ya'll. I hope you're all doing great. I love being a
missionary and serving the Lord and everyone around me.
I didn't say keep it real last week. Thanks for noticing. JK LOL <3
Alofa ia to outou,
Elder Sanderson