This week was super good. We had some bomb lessons.
We had two with our investigator Doug. We lost contact with him for a
while but for the last few weeks we've been able to have some good
lessons with him. Unfortunately we were not able to have his in-laws
join us for any of them. They're less-active and they usually join in
the lessons. Sometimes Sister Sua'ava (his mother-in law) even helps us
by testifying of certain points or sharing experiences. She still has a
really solid testimony but hasn't been to church in a while. We're
working with her. We also got to visit Tony and Tai and have a lesson
with them. It's a LOT easier to have regular contact with them now that
they actually live in the Long Beach Mission boundaries. Yay doing
things the right way! We had a nice talk with them about conference and
they loved it. They went with their fellowshippers on Sunday to both of
those sessions. It was way cool to see them there.
General Conference was great as ever and I feel like
I received a lot of instruction specific to me. That's the wonderful
thing about conference! Anytime there is inspiration received by the
Lord's servants, the entire body of the church is blessed according to
their specific needs. How on Earth is such a thing possible? The church
as a whole received the same direction but at the same time you receive a specific message to you that is different from me. One of the most mysterious but coolest paradoxes that the gospel creates.
I tried to make panikeke le poto poto again
but it's hard to get them perfectly round. Plus the recipe is hard
because the Samoans don't actually measure out anything. It's all kinda
spitballed. -_-
I hope you all are doing bomba! Remember:
Keep it real.
Alofa ia te outou!
Elder Sanderson