Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Hello Friends and Families,

Hope ya'll are keepin it real. It was good to hear from so many of you this past week. For those who did not, I will forgive you. Don't let it happen again.
This past week was pretty nice. We had a good solid week of working hard. We didn't really have any appointment set up but we made the best lemonade that we could have from the lemons that were dealt to us and it was very enjoyable. The phrase "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade" is most likely one of the most used cliches to ever be used. That being said it is perhaps one of the most true. I can think of so many times in my life where I decided to, instead of making lemonade, wonder to myself 'why on earth do I even have these lemons? What could these dang lemons ever do for me?' Thinking like this is just outright silly. We may be able to justify it at the time but when it comes right down to it we can choose. "Wherefore men are free according to the flesh...to choose liberty and eternal life" That's happiness. "or to choose captivity..." Unhappiness. (2 Ne 2:27) We can choose. Some of you may be thinking "You are being unreasonable, how can you just choose to be happy when something bad happens?" That's a difficult question. If I could answer it perfectly then there would be little need for me to have said the things that I have just said. Bad things happen. Of that I am quite aware. The way we choose to respond to trials determines how they play out. 
So on the subject of trials and what to do with them I would like to put my spin on the "lemons" cliche. When life gives you lemons ask for help to make lemonade. Remember that you are not alone. Remember that you have someone on your side. Remember that even if it seems like things are dark that we have someone who has endured more for our sake. The Lord Jesus Christ said, "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world" (John 17:33) We will have trials and tribulation but we are not alone in them. Alone it is impossible but with the help of our Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus Christ. It is.
I hope that everything is going well and that you all are doing great. I love all of ya'll!
Elder Sanderson